Saturday, October 18, 2008

So many guest

On October 15th, 2008 132 visitors viewed my website and blog. That is the most visitors to ever visit in one day. If you liked what you saw please visit again. Also tell your friends. Especially if they are recently engaged or Seniors-To-Be.

Don't forget you are able to e-mail the slide shows and I will do a better job of updating the blog on a more consistent basis. Just been very busy lately. Always a good thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You'll find a female version, too, and that's call a clitoris sizegenetics. In fact, all primates, in addition to human beings, have access to a penis sizegenetics.That's nice to know, due to the fact means that foreplay and oral sex play a higher role within a sexuality of humans than in every one of other primates and most other mammals. Since a sizegenetics is neither utilized for the male or female for this human species (getting a penile or clitoral sizegenetics), that means we rely on more intimate foreplay as well as oral sex to stimulate our partners into become sexually engorged. It's one aspect that sets human beings different from our ape brothers and sisters.