Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Colorado Fitness Photography | Black and White Image

Most of my work is shot in color. With the final image being presented in color to my clients. I love color photography but I continue to work on my black and white process. I do offer my clients the option of ordering prints in black and white. I am very pleased with my black and white images so I thought I would post some of my favorite ones from time to time.

I started photography during the film days (pre-digital). I did a lot of learning in the darkroom. All the prints developed in our darkroom were black and white. Back then I would wish I was able to develop color prints. At that time my color prints were all developed through my lab. The image above was shot in color. Here it is in color. I really like them both.

I worked on the image in Photoshop. Dodging and Burning to make the image to my liking. I am very pleased with the final outcome. This is an image I would be proud giving to my clients. I'm enjoying working on my black & white conversion method. And I will continue to post more images in the future.

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